Dr. King's dream was to have blacks and whites to attend the same schools to be equally educated.Yes, I believe this ,because I attend shcool with whites,spanish and other rasis.I know this ,because I see these people everyday at school and around my house.Yes me and my family are living the dream,because we repectother people rasis.
  Title and Author         The Necklace by Guy the Maupasanat

  1. Major Characters    w
  2. Significant Events (at least 5-10 events) M loisel get invitation
  3. M. Loisel gets invitation
  4. Mme. Loisel has fun at ball
  5. Mme. Loisel lost the necklace
  6. M. and Mme . Loisel look for neclace
  7. M. and Mme .Loisel take out loans and buy new neclklace
  8. M. and Mme . Loisel take on other jobs and five maid to make back loaned money
  9. Mme.Loisel sees Mme .Forester and tells her about the exchange and learns thet original necklace wasfake.
  1. Climax   when Mme .Loisel realizes necklace is gone
  2. Conflicts (Man v Man, Man v Self, Man v Nature, Man v Society, etc.) Indicate type and who is involved. They  have to make decisions =whether or not to tell Mme .Forester and whether or not to make loans
  3. Resolution – How was conflict resolved?The couple decides to take out loans and buy a necklace to replace the lost one
  4. Theme – What is the message/lesson to be learned from the story?All ways tell the truth
  5. don't be envious for what others have
  6. be content of what you have
  7. Focal reading/literary elements – Story deals with what skills or literary elements?
  8. Relevant quote from the story.
  9. Your opinion of the story; like or dislike it? Why or Why not?
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    February 2012



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